Tuesday 31 December 2019

Hornbeam Cathedral and silent meditation

Thanks for all who came to honour nature and promote peace for the New Year approaching.
We have donated to Medecins sans Frontieres and Friends of the Earth for all they do to help others sand safeguard our precious Planet for the good of all and the expansion of Kindness and Truth.

Tuesday 24 December 2019

Winter Solstice

Mild and lovely for a walk in nature.  Group walk will be on the 30th to celebrate the year and the one to come. See you soon!

Icicles: We are little icicles melting in the Sun. Can you see our tiny teardrops falling one by one?

Bushy Park Solstice in 2010 was a lot colder but guess there are still those who think climate change warnings are just others being alarmists.

"I am the seed that grew the tree that gave the wood to make the page to fill the book with poetry"
c.Judith Nicholls.

Saturday 14 December 2019

Saturday 26 October 2019

Diwali - Festival of Light

Wishing all Life a peaceful and enlightened time over the festival of Diwali.  Keep postive and stand up for those who cannot do so....especially our precious natural world.

See the Greta Thunberg and George Monbiott video and pass it on: greta thunberg george monbiott video

You will always be the Light!

Friday 18 October 2019

Summer into Autumn into Winter photos

From the beautiful dark skies with a million stars in Sark to our beloved Sancturary in Twickenham. Still have a dark sky here with amazing moons at present to light up the sky with natural beauty.
Enjoy the below record of our natural world and do what you can to save it from exploitation.

Friday 16 August 2019

August - butterflies, birds and bees

Nature calling for us to pay attention and that is very yogic.  Be present and be aware of all life.

Saturday 22 June 2019

Summer Solstice Gathering by River Crane

We had a wonderful group get together today for the Summer Solstice in Crane Park and lunch at the Prince Blucher on Twickenham Green. It is good to be with nature lovers in a community park which nourishes the soul and quietens the mind.  The group gives support to our endeavours to keep established dark spaces and habitats safe from inapproriate development which may harm the delicate eco-structure of the river corridor and the species themselves; hence our objection to the Churchview Garages Site.  Why not join us next time for our informal and friendly gatherings?  See the River Crane Sanctuary contact page on www.e-voice.org.uk/rcs/  and make contact! The news diary page gives regular updates.

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Where does the time go?

June arrives with showers and sunshine and the butterflies,birds,bees and bats are all gracing us with their presence.  Here are some photos for you to enjoy and marvel at nature.  We can all help with preserving and enhancing our natural world if we care enough to make small changes in our behaviour.   Just picking up one piece of plastic each from our rivers can make them plastic free in a few years according to the rivers authorities.  Wow....let's pick up two or three or four...go for it!

Summer Solstice approaching and preparing to balance the chakra triad of Heart,Belly and Throat.
We will gather by the river to meditate and join in circle on the 21st June and I hope you with join us over the airways with positive thought for the end of conflict in ourselves so that we can be a beacon of light to others.  that does not mean with bow down to bullies or keep quiet if our voices are needed to help the weak and voiceless.  Speak in truth and accept what is and what will be when the final score is settled.

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Air quality concerns for all

Dear Yogis,

Pranayama regular practice is needed more than ever now as the Planet struggles with all the enviromental impacts improvishing the very air we breathe.

Plant a tree, protest against inappropriate planning developments in green spaces, pick up plastic waste when you see it and be present to the needs of wildlife and people in this conflicted world.

Kingifsher returns to the River Crane after yet another Heathrow Pollution incident meant the river was pumped by Thames Water.

Time running out for us to keep rectifying problems instead of being proactive and stopping them happening in the first place.

If you are finding it hard to breathe with allergies, stress , particles in the air , try the simple in breath of four and extending the out breath to more than four and eight if that is possible for you without any side effects.  You can do this walking, sitting or lying down and even a few minutes will be beneficial.

Om shanti shanti shanti   Peace Peace Peace.

Sunday 3 March 2019

Spring is sprung?

Dear Yogis and nature friends,

Rain after the sunshine and possibly winds and cold to follow.  Keep present and rooted but not stuck.
Here are some beautiful images to life our spirits and to affirm the resilience of nature.