Wednesday 20 December 2017

21st December Winter Solstice

Light to all beings and blessings for the new year approaching

The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Berry
When despair grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting for their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free. 

Monday 11 December 2017

Respect for all Life

Iain won the photo competiton in the Twickenham Tribune with this little chap and we only entered to raise awareness of the wildlife here in the River Crane Sanctuary which needs our support to maintain the few remaining wild habitat spaces alond the River Crane and to stop inappropriate development.  Yoga is more than stretching ........Dharma...purpose in life,  Karma...right action Satya....Truthfulness and Asteya.......Non-Stealing.

Love and light to all our Yogis still on the path in this Kali age of darkness......we need your light.

Friday 3 November 2017

Consideration for all Life

As Bonfire night approaches please be aware of wildlife and people and consider refraining from lighting the fire; especially in nature sensitive areas.   Enjoy the sights and sounds that come freely to us from nature and do no harm.

Monday 16 October 2017

Diwali Wednesday 18th October to Sunday 22nd October

Dear Yogis,

Enjoy the Festival of Light this year by taking a walk in the River Crane Sanctuary and give thanks for the beauty of the trees, the river and the wildlife all in such a built up area. 
Here are some photos from our recent walk if you cannot go for yourself and more are in our Flickr album accessed by clicking on the big logo on the River Crane Sanctuary home page.

Saturday 19 August 2017

Yoga is more than stretching on a mat!

Dear Yogis,

Yoga is Action when it is required and looking to the greater good for all sentient beings and not just ourselves.    What we learn from our yogic practices is a sense of being in the present and being aware of  'what is' and what we can change for the better by our Dharma or purpose in Life.
Those still with us in the daily spiritual laws and meditations will know this already and those who are content with a physical practise only will not be aware still of the bigger picture that is the real beauty of Yoga.   We are One.

River Crane Sanctuary is our Dharma at present for the good of Nature and the Community.  Please see the website and take action where you can to protect this green space for all.    Google River Crane Sanctuary.

  See: You Tube for our Song and learn it:  River Crane Sanctuary by Iain and Sammi

Black Cap visits the Hedgerow under threat from developers.

This small green space behind the garages will be lost and the dark sky where the moths and bats feed will be no more.   Will the hedgerow survive once the people move in to their three storey building with their terrace looking out on a dense, claustrophobic wall of  foliage or will it be cut down to give a river view?

Do you care?    We do. Whatever you give comes back to you.  Law of Karma.

Love and Light


Saturday 5 August 2017

River Crane Sanctuary

Dear Nature Lovers,

River Crane Sanctuary needs your help as another developer applies to build near our precious Wild Space.
Please visit the Sanctuary website and contact us to keep up to date with events and news to challenge this latest threat to habitat on the river corridor.

Here are some photos of the current residents who do not want to leave!

Visit The River Crane Sanctuary website by clicking the link below for more photos and information on how you can help save this habitat for future generations

Monday 26 June 2017

Jackson and Jeremy

Jackson at The Albert Hall still singing prophetic songs from the seventies : For a Dancer..Before the Deluge..For Everyman...And Jeremy at Glastonbury quoting Percy Bysshe Shelley!  hope yet for the Planet and all beings if the crowd at both events is a sign of the times and the will of the people of peace.

Tuesday 9 May 2017

River Crane Sanctuary website

Hi Nature loving yogis,

The River Crane Sanctuary Website is up and running...well toddling anyway.  We will put more on it as we learn how to but sometimes less is take a look at the album already on there and join us in this quest to create a Sanctuary for our wildlife on the River Crane Corridor.

click below:

River Crane Sanctuary

Om shanti

Wednesday 15 February 2017

RedWings visiting the River Crane!

 Egret and Heron and Kinfisher in Beautiful Bushy Park!

Our  Blackbird family who nest every year with us.   Thank you!

Sunday 29 January 2017


Dear Yogis,

Wishing us all trust that nature will re-balance and re-new no matter how much we may be feeling low with the state of the world at present.   Mix with like minded friends and make new contacts to defend and stand up for those weaker than ourselves.  We can then become stronger together.
It is only ignorance that causes conflict and much as we may wish for Peace we have a duty to speak up for truth.  We have all seen what happens "when good people do nothing".

Be a Light in the world.

Om shanti shanti shanti