Tuesday 30 April 2013

Glastonbury and Home

"The words that enlighten the soul are more precious than jewels"
Hazrat Inayat Khan

This quote resonated with me after spending a week away learning, meditating and dreaming in sacred Glastonbury.   I met some very wise women who passed on their wisdom about Birth in our culture.  
How can we help prospective mothers and fathers cope with this important rite of passage in this age of isolation.for many?  The whole minefield of expectations and conflicting advice surrounds this time of transformation for the mother predominately but also for the father and the rest of the extended family.

Words used can have a big impact at this time and therefore the ones that 'enlighten' are truly valuable.
Perhaps it is better to keep quiet and listen more if we are not sure that what we are saying will be of help to those we are seeking to aid!    Perhaps even find the words of others who speak more directly to the person if our own fails to hit the mark.   

I have often found that friends, family and students will tell me something that has made them think about a subject differently upon reading a book or hearing an inspirational speaker and they will be unaware that we have covered this ground before and they did not see what seems obvious to them now.   Sometimes it is just a matter of maturity but often it is the words that are used which turn on a light bulb.   Unfortunately the turn off switch is also there!     

Enjoy these photos from the Challice Wells Gardens, the Tor and around Glastonbury.