Monday 18 August 2014


Wow.  What a wonderful circle under the hornbeams in Bushy Park.  A little drizzle as we walked in silence with our peace mantra and then the sun broke through the canopy of leaves and we danced the Four Corners  in the dappled light.  Vibrant Greens helped us open the heart chakra with the lotus mudra..
Oms vibrated through the air and the birds joined in!   Our circle of ten was joined, I know,. by many more yogis who could not attend this time.  Thanks for the donations to Medecins sans frontieres and I trust others will donate on their site as well.  They are truly helping those in desperate need and with little thought of their own safety.  Real Love.

Sunday 10 August 2014

Hurricane/rain check/full moon

Full Moon 10.8.2014 which will be bigger than usual as it is closer to the earth tonight.   Lotus mudra will be powerful in the moonlight.   We hope you enjoyed the day and were not too disappointed we had to change the meeting to next week due to the heavy rain.  Some students will now be able to come and some will be away and miss the circle this time round.  All is as it is meant to be.   Breathe...relax...accept...........
Om shanti shanti  shanti

Sunday 3 August 2014

Summer time

Summer newsletter has been sent out so do let me know if you have not got your copy.   Enjoy the sunshine and breathe deeply in nature to get the most of the strong prana around to warm us and to keep in store for the end of this year.  We had a wonderful time in Hampshire.  Looking forward to re-starting some reading and meditation groups in the autumn and to our summer gathering next sunday.
We wish you all Peace and Love.