Tuesday 19 June 2012

Summer Solstice Wishes

Solstice - The sun stands still.  A time for fertility in all its forms to flower.  Father sky and Mother earth rejoice!

'From contentment comes supreme happiness.'
We are ever searching for happiness in external objects, but it can
only be attained when the mind is satisfied with what has been allotted
and is no longer looking. When the mind is stilled and contented,
happiness is automatic.

I was reading the above sutra this morning and it felt very apt for this time of 'austerity' for some and immense wealth for others. If one is content then either extreme is of no importance and we all know from our own experience how we are sometimes very happy when not that well off and very sad when we have riches. It all depends on our inner state of mind.

As the sun stands still perhaps we can also meditate and be still and content.  Join with our soul group in this momentous 2012 and see what unfolds.

Shiva on the banks of the Ganges amidst all the work and mud and toil sits serenely and allows all to be exactly as it is.

Friday 1 June 2012

Transit of Venus - Return of the Goddess

Many are feeling the powerful energy of the stars in their courses!   Tuesday 5th June will herald the transit of Venus and it will be the last time this occurs in our lifetime so perhaps a little space to reflect on the wonders of our universe and the wonder or our existence at all.
Meditation will help to balance us and accept what is in this present moment and also to allow any changes that need to happen to happen without resistence.  Resistence will only give us pain...reisitence is truly futile in the case of universal law and karma.
I wish you all who are awakening or who are awake already GRACE and PEACE and LOVE.
Om shanti