Monday, 21 December 2009
Winter Solstice 2009
We gathered to celebrate the solstice and the magic number 9 manifested even with the cold weather and rain! So with Iain and me that made a circle of 11 and thanks to all who came and affirmed the positve energy over the negative; The Light to shine over the Darkness.
So Ham silent walk to alter the vibration in the mind, body and spirit until we reached the Hornbeam cathedral.
The Winter Solstice meaning and Ritual were voiced.
Bija Mantras to energise the chakras and then the four corners were faced with affirmations of :
Hugs and jumps and deep breaths to end our deep reflection of this time of stillness.
Social walk around the pond and some to our lovely meal together (Jasmine tea!) and some to
homeward bound.
Whole and Complete and Perfect - this is where we find true happiness and peace no matter what is happening in the drama of our lives and that of others.
Only meditation and spiritual laws learning and practise can help us achieve the detachment to stay grounded when the ground is literally or metaphorically taken away from beneath us.
It is best to learn this before we are 'drowning' as the advice" you should have learnt to swim"
is no use as we go under for the third time!
I urge you to join the spiritual laws class in January as it is more important in this Kali Age than any asana class you can attend.
Our love and light to all life andour wishes for health and happiness for 2010.
Om shanti shanti shanti
So Ham silent walk to alter the vibration in the mind, body and spirit until we reached the Hornbeam cathedral.
The Winter Solstice meaning and Ritual were voiced.
Bija Mantras to energise the chakras and then the four corners were faced with affirmations of :
Acceptance Gratitude Letting Go and Trust.
Silent walk along the river to the Totem Pole and Prana energisation and Qi Gong flows. Hugs and jumps and deep breaths to end our deep reflection of this time of stillness.
Social walk around the pond and some to our lovely meal together (Jasmine tea!) and some to
homeward bound.
Oms were resounding and heartfelt.
I know a lot of us feel wobbly and a little fearful at this time and it is only by gathering and sharing that we learn that even this will pass and that the true self remains: Whole and Complete and Perfect - this is where we find true happiness and peace no matter what is happening in the drama of our lives and that of others.
Only meditation and spiritual laws learning and practise can help us achieve the detachment to stay grounded when the ground is literally or metaphorically taken away from beneath us.
It is best to learn this before we are 'drowning' as the advice" you should have learnt to swim"
is no use as we go under for the third time!
I urge you to join the spiritual laws class in January as it is more important in this Kali Age than any asana class you can attend.
Our love and light to all life andour wishes for health and happiness for 2010.
Om shanti shanti shanti
Monday, 23 November 2009
November Weekend Retreat
Thank you to all who came and shared in this reflective break.
Time to be still whilst sharing space and Love with others .
We had a 'warm' welcome by our Goanese Nuns and a thought provoking talk from Krishnamurti to end the retreat:
"Love is the Solution" and ultimately "Be a Light to Yourself"'
Highlights included the Qi Gong Flow under the four hundred year old Cedar Tree , the deeper yoga practise of pranayama with openings, meditation in the St Francis room, Talks and Readings which enhanced the group experience...Mushrooms.(Val) .Pooh and Piglet (Alan) , Daffodils (Jemma) , Stormy Seas (Alison)! Vips and Riitta next time!
The Wheel of Life (Karen) and the Circle of Life (Iain) - Wisdom from an american comedian and a native american indian. And of course Dharma and Life Purpose (Sammi)
Sharing Food , Sharing Humour , Sharing deep experiences and LOVE!
Enjoy the photos and see you again in class, social or at the Winter Solstice Walk
All are Welcome
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Retreat Nov 20 to 22nd - Meon Valley, Hampshire
Winter Raja Yoga Retreat for some space for your self . Suitable for students who are seeking to go deeper than just asana practise and who would like to join a supportive group in a friendly exploration of 'truth'. Please e mail for further information.
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Yoga is Poetry
Yoga is Poetry
It cannot be governed by a Body
It is a body that flows, a mind that is still, a spirit that is free
A Heart which overflows with Love
Friendship to all not a chosen few
Kindness as a way of life not a networking skill
The I that is You and the You that is Me
Respect and honour for all our teachers
The holders of light who give so generously
The promise to pass on without thought of reward
That which is sacred and true
All this in the spirit of humanity
So our children will remember us with affection
For the world we leave to their guardianship
We are One
Yoga is One
Yogawise Morning/Evening Affirmations
Yogawise Morning Affirmation
I live in freedom from inner and outer harm
I live in Joy and Acceptance of things as they are
I live in Peace Love and Truth
From the Centre of my Heart
I wish this Harmony for all sentient beings
For the good of all that is and for all that can be
Yogawise Evening Affirmation
I let go I let go I let go
All that is past is past
All that is to come will come
I exist now
Perfect and Whole
I radiate Love and Compassion
I live in Joy
Please forgive me for all the hurt
I have caused you in times when I forgot my true self
Which is pure Love
I freely forgive you for hurting me.
All is perfect and whole in this moment of Now
I radiate Love and Compassion
I live in Joy
I am You
You are Me
We are One
I live in freedom from inner and outer harm
I live in Joy and Acceptance of things as they are
I live in Peace Love and Truth
From the Centre of my Heart
I wish this Harmony for all sentient beings
For the good of all that is and for all that can be
Yogawise Evening Affirmation
I let go I let go I let go
All that is past is past
All that is to come will come
I exist now
Perfect and Whole
I radiate Love and Compassion
I live in Joy
Please forgive me for all the hurt
I have caused you in times when I forgot my true self
Which is pure Love
I freely forgive you for hurting me.
All is perfect and whole in this moment of Now
I radiate Love and Compassion
I live in Joy
I am You
You are Me
We are One
Monday, 10 August 2009
Ayurvedic Massage - by Jacqueline
We were pampered by the wonderful Ayurvedic massage from Jacqueline.
We were already quite relaxed as you can imagine but when we were given a wonderful warming aromatic massage it reduced us to relaxation on yet another level. We were also introduced to Hopi candles and the warm fizzing in our ears again another soothing form of therapeutic relaxation - both are Recommended.
Ayurveda and yoga have been practiced for centuries and have been mentioned in the scriptures of the Vedas and Upanishads.
Silent Walk to St Raphael's and Huccaby Bridge.
We walked in silence down the lane and through the ancient woods. We crossed the road with awareness and down another lane to reach St Raphael's Church. The only Anglican Church dedicated to St Raphael in the country. He is a Healer and also a patron saint of travellers.
In silence we prayed, repeated mantras and reflected on the beauty within and without.The church is a welcome refuge in the midst of a weathered moor.
We continued in silence down to the river and to the flowing waters of Huccaby bridge to lay in the sun and wonder at the beauty surrounding us. Are we not so priviliged to be present?
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Louise and Theresa Kind words of Thanks
Yes, really..Love and Gratitude for creating such a wonderful place to 'be'. I came back more relaxed than ever.
Blue lights eh? British Gas..A Tardis? No just the result of my heart singing.
Take care and see you in September. Left me with food for thought till then!
Dear Sammi and Iain
Thank you both for making the retreat in Devon an amazing experience for me. It was wonderful to spend time in such a beautiful surroundings and to be at peace in the silence.
My spiritual journey is not always easy but you are both an inspiration to me ..Love
Yes, really..Love and Gratitude for creating such a wonderful place to 'be'. I came back more relaxed than ever.
Blue lights eh? British Gas..A Tardis? No just the result of my heart singing.
Take care and see you in September. Left me with food for thought till then!
Dear Sammi and Iain
Thank you both for making the retreat in Devon an amazing experience for me. It was wonderful to spend time in such a beautiful surroundings and to be at peace in the silence.
My spiritual journey is not always easy but you are both an inspiration to me ..Love
Poems Dartmoor 2009
Val’s Poem Dartmoor 2009
River Dart Morning
The path twists and turns along the river bank,
Earth trodden down, interlaced with roots and branches;
Always the sound of the river, cascading over boulders.
Water: the source of life.
Woods: a green world of leaves and ferns,
A cloud hides the sun, a sense of menace and mystery descends.
Dappled with sunlight , a place of magic.
Evening Brimpts Farm
Shadows lengthen in the evening sun,
White clouds glide gently across a blue sky,
Swallows swoop and dive.
The breeze bathes my face.
A stonechat on the gatepost calls
Warning as the farm cat prowls.
Bees hum among the flowers and grasses.
The rest is silence.
For Sammi, who always lifts the clouds and brings magic and
Silence into our busy lives.
River Dart Morning
The path twists and turns along the river bank,
Earth trodden down, interlaced with roots and branches;
Always the sound of the river, cascading over boulders.
Water: the source of life.
Woods: a green world of leaves and ferns,
A cloud hides the sun, a sense of menace and mystery descends.
Dappled with sunlight , a place of magic.
Evening Brimpts Farm
Shadows lengthen in the evening sun,
White clouds glide gently across a blue sky,
Swallows swoop and dive.
The breeze bathes my face.
A stonechat on the gatepost calls
Warning as the farm cat prowls.
Bees hum among the flowers and grasses.
The rest is silence.
For Sammi, who always lifts the clouds and brings magic and
Silence into our busy lives.
Poems Dartmoor 2009
Devon Retreat 2009 Ula’s Poem
Summing Up
Midges to moonrise Moonrise to sunrise
Sunrise to yawn Yawn to stretch
Stretch to mantra Mantra to mat
Mat to prana Prana to dog
Dog to cobra Cobra to child
Child to grown-up Grown-up to tears
Tears to laughter Laughter to silence
Silence to circle Circle to hands
Hands to let go Let go to acceptance
Acceptance to peace
Summing Up
Midges to moonrise Moonrise to sunrise
Sunrise to yawn Yawn to stretch
Stretch to mantra Mantra to mat
Mat to prana Prana to dog
Dog to cobra Cobra to child
Child to grown-up Grown-up to tears
Tears to laughter Laughter to silence
Silence to circle Circle to hands
Hands to let go Let go to acceptance
Acceptance to peace
Poems from Retreat 2009
Vips Poem Dartmoor 2009
What a magic place and time we have had.
You are on your own in silence - but never alone - sharing your days with birds singing, colourful butterflies, rabbits playing in the grass, wild horses and cows - dramatic landscapes with exceptional beauty in any weather.
It has been the same for thousands of years.
The meadows are covered with wild flowers at its best and dancing grasses in the wind plus fresh water streams.
This opens your eyes to a new consciousness you are privileged to have experienced.
With our yoga practices in such a fantastic place makes you understand that all is one.
What a magic place and time we have had.
You are on your own in silence - but never alone - sharing your days with birds singing, colourful butterflies, rabbits playing in the grass, wild horses and cows - dramatic landscapes with exceptional beauty in any weather.
It has been the same for thousands of years.
The meadows are covered with wild flowers at its best and dancing grasses in the wind plus fresh water streams.
This opens your eyes to a new consciousness you are privileged to have experienced.
With our yoga practices in such a fantastic place makes you understand that all is one.
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
August in Twickers
Hi Yogis,
Birthdays, weddings, clearings and walking in the rain and sunshine. We are back and awaiting the Red Moon on thursday 6th August, our full moon lunar eclipse before the big influx of Light for those who are aware on the 15th to 20th August.
Stay present and quiet. All is well .
Retreat poems and pictures will appear in due course. We are chilling before the new term begins in September with a workshop on the Wednesday 16th. I am writing the latest newsletter and this will be going out to all club members next week with the calender of events to give you time to book before it goes out to the general public.
Friday, 26 June 2009
Silent Retreat 2009
One week to go before we leave for beautiful Dartmoor and our seventh year at Brimpts Barn.
Take a look at the past retreat pictures and testimonials and tune in with our intent to create a peaceful energy in ourselves first, the group, the larger yoga circle and then out into the
guruverse. Please join us in this critical time in our world and be a peaceful being.
Allow creativity to flow out in paintings, poems and of course our beloved music.
Nada yoga - the yoga of sound - is the quickest way to self realisatioin this Kali age of disharmony and confusion.
" Silent mind has great creativity but this is not all. Silent mind is Peaceful , Blissful and Healthy.
It radiates these qualities out through the person to the surroundings. People who know how to cultivate a quiet mind not only are in touch with their inner creativity, they also radiate a youthfulness and optimism that effects everyone nearby. They have Good Vibrations!"
Chant and sing and dance............
Love and Light
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Ekadasi Day 20th May Wednesday
Hi Yogis,
I know many of us are feeling unsettled with the heavy energy changes about. Today is a good day to fast or at least eat raw foods and drink plenty of water and juices. Walk in nature and breathe with awareness of the prana coming in to refresh and enliven the body, mind and spirit.
Release the old with the exhale and truly let go.
Stay in the Guha (inner cave) where all is still and quiet. Make this your centre that you go out into the world from and where you return to recognise the Self that does not change; that does not fear; that just 'IS' Give more to others to discover how much you already have.
Even after all this time the sun never says to the Earth
"You owe me"
Look what happens with a love like that
It lights up the whole World
Om shanti
Thursday, 14 May 2009
It has been suggested that there are no photos of postures.....
Well at last we are able to oblige courtesy of Serge ....who kindly took the time to take our best sides...Thank you also to the yogis who allowed us to take their photos.......Alan, Alison, Anastasia, Bisrat, Mhairi, Riitta, Simon, Sophie & Stephanie.
Meditation in movement - thanks to Sammi's wonderful intuitive teaching - we love the flow!
Namaste - Om shanti. Iain.
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