Thursday 21 February 2008


So up at 5.15am to do the roll call and check up on who is coming in to satsang....
6am satsang meditation for half an hour chanting Jai Ganesha, Jai Ganesha....
tambourines and drums joining in araucous rendition.
7.30am Chai time
8-10am Asana class including pranayama, sun salutations, headstand, shoulder stand, bridge and wheel.
10am Brunch - spicy breakfast- eat in silence - no choice just be thankful for what you get.
Lundry time - hand washing -karma yoga
12noon Baghavad Gita with Mr Natraj - learned scholar!
1.30pm Chai time - everyone gathers..
2pm Lecture in philosophy or anatomy
3.30 - 5.30 Asana class learning how to teach
6pm DinnerMild veg curry and rice - seated on the floor eating with the right hand....
8-10pm Satsang meditation and chanting....
10.30pm lights prepare for another day...the days are flying by
It was certainly a challenge in many ways.....

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